
Dr. David Bank with Estelle Sobel.Pina LoGiudice

David bank is director of the center for dermatology, cosmetic and laser surgery.

Beautiful Skin (Adams Media, 2000) features up-to-the-minute information from the skin-care authority. Represented by Katharine Sands.

Helen Lee 

Helen Lee is owner of The Helen Lee Salons and is a former Ford fashion model.

The Tao of Beauty (Broadway, 1999) combines Chinese philosophy, yin-yang theories, herbs, and holistic care with the best of the West in a new approach to beauty. Represented by Katharine Sands.


Pina LoGiudice

The Little Book of Healthy Beauty (Tarcher/Perigee-PenguinRandomhouse, June 2016). Represented by Katharine Sands