Self Help & Psychology

Dorothy Singer, Ph.D.

A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks (New American Library, 1978) – a classic in child psychology.

Dr. Jerome Singer

Partners at Play (Harper & Row, 1977). A classic.

Mindplay (Prentice Hall, 1983).

Sue Woodman

Last Rights: The Struggle over the Right to Die (Perseus 1998, 2000). Represented by Katharine Sands.

Dr. Francis Praver

*Work in Progress: How to Bring Love Back: Mirror Neurons and the Science of Passion.

Linda Hawes Clever

The Fatigue Prescription: Four Steps to Renewing Your Energy, Health, and Life (Viva editions, 2010).

Jonathan Chesner

ADHD in HD: Brains Gone Wild! (Free Spirit, 2012). Agented by Jessica Sinsheimer.